The true definition of success is to have a healthy work-life balance. Happiness in either work or home is short-lived if it is not balanced by happiness in the other || Writex Pro - Essay Writing



The true definition of success is to have a healthy work-life balance.

The true definition of success is to have a healthy work-life balance. Happiness in either work or home is short-lived if it is not balanced by happiness in the other

Essay 1: Accumulating wealth is important, but to be successful one must be happy as well, it is important to make sure that one must have a healthy work life balance. Work-life balance is the ability to take care of all the aspects of all, for example a person who has a balanced work and life balance can take care of the work pressure, deliver his assignments well before the deadline, be a dynamic leader and guide his/her team to crack a deal or satisfy a potential client and take care of all the office related jargon in the most efficient way, at the home front the person must be able to look after his/her family, spend time with them, socialise well with their friends and be the life to a social gathering. These are the ideal qualities of a successful person. A person can never be fully happy if he/she is constantly busy in his/her work and

doesn’t spend time with their family and also can never be fully happy if he/ she is unemployed. Maintaining a perfect balance is crucial for a healthy life. People must focus on maintaining a balance with their work and their personal life.


Essay 2: The modern world is fast paced, although there are many successful people who earn a lot, but are they really successful in their lives, that is the question. Success is not just about acquiring wealth, success is also about have a perfect work life balanced. Often it is seen that people always look to keep on accumulating wealth but forget about their family, friends and close relatives, they realise this when it is too late. This situation must never arise for a human being where he/she regrets something. To become a successful it is always important to maintain a proper balance between work and life. Always hard work is important but at the same time giving time to oneself is also equally important, work must never be a burden on any individual, the work which becomes tiresome and loathsome must not be done. Therefore having healthy working hours and spending quality time with the family and at the same time earning a good fortune and providing for the family are the qualities of a successful person. There is no point of working if one is not happy there. Happiness is also an important criteria for the overall development of a person.


Essay 3:  The definition of work- life balance is that to make a bigger impact at work and in the world but without sacrificing one’s personal health or happiness. It is important to remain happy on both the fronts be it in the workplace or at home. People always forget that life is

about moments and due to their hectic work they don’t live the moment, it is always important to be present and live the moment. Humans must have a healthy work live balance and must prioritise their needs and aspirations before anything without feeling guilty or having any doubts. This is important because, the things one prioritises mean a lot to them and they will work more efficiently and be able to balance their home life as well. Doing what you like is also important for being happy. Any happiness a person receives at the cost of losing out at either work or life is pointless as this happiness is only temporary and will soon vanish when the person starts to contemplate what he/she has sacrificed for that emotion. Another key for a healthy work life balance is simplifying things, creating short term and long term goals, investing, saving, and understanding the modern trends and the most important thing which is believing in oneself. 


Essay 4: It is necessary to have a proper work life balance, it is quite often seen that many influential and successful people have a great work life balance and therefore are able to lead happy and contended lives. It is important to maintain this balance but it is often not quite easy as modern world is extremely challenging and the jobs are hectic and require long hours of work, dedication and commitment. Although all this can sound overwhelming, but it is always necessary to take some time off and work towards one’s family, friends and social life as well. It is necessary to follow certain steps like Saying no to things that aren’t priorities, Delegating as much as can be delegated, choosing to do things that are priorities (and letting go of non-priorities), Prioritizing your own wellbeing to maintain good work and social life. People in their hectic schedules often forget that it is necessary at times to just sit back relax and spend some quality time with oneself and others. Also, it is important to note that this world is for people who work hard as well, therefore excess slacking must be avoided. To live a happy, healthy, prosperous life it is crucial that your work is excellent and your family and you are happy. 


Essay 5: Work plays a significant part in all our lives. Our earnings ensure that the lights stay on, there’s food on the table and the rainy-day pot is full. It is no easy task to achieve work-life balance in today’s unpredictable and fast-paced business world. As we grow increasingly more connected through technology and social media, it is becoming more and more difficult to separate work from our personal lives. It is commonplace to check emails at all hours, take business calls at the dinner table and work on our laptops on weekends. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is not only important for health and relationships, but it can also improve your employee’s productivity, and ultimately performance. Put simply, if people don’t view work as a chore, then they will work harder, make fewer mistakes and are more likely to become advocates for any brand. Taking a vacation is not just a luxury but also a necessity from time to time, this not only brings family and friends closer but also improves the productivity of a person exponentially.  Avoiding burnouts at office places and giving importance to physical and mental wellbeing can certainly improve the work life balance. 

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