In the nuclear age, the production and development of weaponry challenge the very existence of human kind. How useful are weapons? || Writex Pro - Essay Writing



How Useful Are Weapons?

In the nuclear age, the production and development of weaponry challenge the very existence of human kind. How useful are weapons? Or Global super powers wish to extend their influence over the entire world. Nuclear weaponry is a key to this expansion.

Essay 1: we live in challenging times, the world has changed and so have the ways in which countries protect themselves. During the WW2 the nuclear bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, completely changed the way the countries considered nuclear weaponry. That incident showed the power and the amount of destruction that was caused by a single bomb. Since then many countries especially the USA, the USSR have battled to gain nuclear weapon supremacy. The times we live in are dark times, now many countries have come up with their own nuclear weapons, this is not a good sign as any conflict between these nuclear weapon backed countries arises it is the end of the world. This world cannot bear another world war, there will be destruction all around, lives will be lost and even if any country survives the war the future generations will face the brunt of all the radiations and toxic waste that arises due to a nuclear bomb. Countries must get rid of their nuclear weapons and must live in peace and harmony and resolve conflicts in an amicable and proper manner. The production and development of nuclear weaponry must be stopped at all costs.


Essay 2: The world is filled greedy leaders who want absolute dominance in the world at the cost of human lives. Global super powers are always acquiring new weapons and developing incredible and extremely powerful nuclear weapons. The defence budget of such countries exceeds that of their healthcare budget which is a very disheartening fact. Global super powers must stop the production and development of nuclear weaponry as it will only destroy the earth into bits and pieces. It is the greed of some leaders and not the people of the nation who want absolute supremacy. The amount of money spent on nuclear weaponry is unbelievable, since the weapons are so powerful, any attack on any landmass can result in the complete pulverisation of the country, uncountable lives will be lost and the land will never be fit for anyone. The weapons are so effective that even a fraction of the bomb if set off can completely destroy a city or even multiple cities. These weapons can lead to the end of human life and must be at all costs stopped and destroyed. Countries must resolve their conflicts verbally and always opt for peace.


Essay 3: The world is right now in extremely dangerous conditions, this can be attributed towards the rising tensions between countries having conflicts among them. Usually these conflicts can be resolved with proper dialogue but now a larger threat looms, a threat that can most certainly wipe the humans from the face of the earth, the threat is nuclear weapons. This modern age has resulted in some incredible inventions and discoveries, one of these extraordinary invention is the nuclear weaponry. Nuclear weapons can be used by the country to attack any country and assert their dominance, global super powers have threatened the usage of nuclear warfare. The actual usage of the weaponry can only cause destruction and be extremely deadly for the entire world. The people of the world must unite and oppose the production and development of the nuclear weaponry. The global super powers must forget their differences and shun away these horrible weapons. The countries must in fact work together in solving the crises that are plaguing the world, the countries must embrace everyone and deliver the message of peace. This world can certainly do well with peace and harmony everywhere.


Essay 4: Nuclear weaponry is extremely dangerous for the entire world. The amount of destruction a single nuclear bomb can cause is unbelievably large. Many countries have now become nuclear power heads with tonnes of nuclear weaponry as their ammunition. This is a serious issue and the people of the world must unite and protest against the procurement, production, development of the weapons of mass destruction. The nuclear weapons can be used to exert dominance over a particular area, it is an excellent way of taking over the entire world. But we as citizens of the world must never ever allow such a horrible thing to happen. Nuclear weaponry must be banned at all costs, the countries of the world must resolve their issues by forming communities and address the issues such country-country conflict or the crises in a particular country, this is the only way to move forward. The world right now needs peace and nuclear weaponry is threatening the very idea of peace, harmony and happiness. No doubt the weapons are quite efficient in destroying anything which comes within its radius, it can erode down buildings, vaporise humans and make life inhabitable for the future generations. Therefore the nuclear weapons must be banned.


Essay 5: The amount of energy released from a nuclear bomb is simply incredible. The magnitude is so high that it can destroy anything and everything in its path. Global power leaders have understood the potential and the destruction that nuclear weapons can cause and have starting extensively producing and developing nuclear weapons. This is dangerous for mankind. The more nuclear weapons, the more chances of complete annihilation of the entire world. Humans have experienced the nuclear bomb when it exploded in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it was a disaster and countless of lives were lost, till this date some parts of the area are still inhabitable by mankind. Therefore it is necessary that we people oppose the usage of nuclear bombs, nuclear energy has tremendous potential and instead of using it for mass destruction, we humans can use to produce electrical energy around the world. Nuclear energy can help solve many crises of the world and bring the world closer. Nuclear energy can and must be used for the collective good of the society instead of making weapons which will only result in mass deaths and destruction to life and property. Therefore Nuclear weapons challenge the existence of mankind and must be banned at all costs.


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