Is Life Better in a Small Town or Big City? writex pro - essay writing

Is Life Better in a Small Town or Big City
Is Life Better in a Small Town or Big City?

Is life better in a small town or big city?


Essay 1: Life in a small town or village is in my opinion a better way to live life. Small towns add meaning to life by having a world which is devoid of pollution and is filled with lush greenery, farms and cattle that gives any person a lot of peace and happiness. Small towns usually have people in a close group, so there is always someone there to help anyone who is in distress. The life here is slow paced and this ensures that there are no long hours of work and anyone can spend time with their respective families and earn decent amount of money at the same time. Life is all about living the moment and one can lead a life away from the constant buzzing of the smartphones and instead have a healthy and meaningful life. The one great speciality of towns is that there is no materialistic approach towards life and people lead a very harmonious life here.  The crystal clear lakes, the refreshing air, farms, the calm atmosphere, the friendly people, less hectic life and not to forget the annual plays or theatre art that happen once in a while are some of the reasons why I feel that life is way better in a small town than in a big city. 


Essay 2: The modern world is fast paced world, the world is rapidly changing because of some huge technological advancements. These changes are due to the fact that every place is turning into a big city. Life in a big city is better when you compare it with life in a small town. Cities have almost everything, be it healthcare facilities, recreational parks, state of the art education system, great transport facilities, great jobs, higher wages, modern infrastructure and the list just goes on and on. Life in the big city is adventurous and fun filled. Cities offer almost every amenity that a human needs to be happy and feel secure. There are unfortunately no towns left as everything has developed so much since the demand for a healthy and prosperous life has taken a centre stage in everyone’s life. People have started migrating to big cities to avail better prospects for their careers and also to provide for their respective families. Big city is a sea of ocean filled with countless opportunities. Quality of life improves exponentially when one lives in a big city. The competition in the cities has helped many people to push themselves and secure a fantastic future and lead a great city life. The healthy communities that cities have also play a vital role in improving life. 


Essay 3: Life in a big city is always a great life when compared to a small town. Cities have so much to offer for example if you spend like 10 years living in a major city, you likely won’t come close to experiencing everything the city has to offer. There is always something to do in a big city like different types of food, shows of all types, great monuments, and availability of opportunities and man such fantastic incentives. Big cities are very welcoming to people from small towns or those who are migrating from less developed places, a person can meet new people with similar interests almost instantly without any hassle. Big cities also have great connectivity with other great places and therefore one is just a few hours away from discovering something new and exciting. City life is fast and one gets used to it as time passes, people start enjoying the facilities and lead a more happy and contended life. Also there are so many free things to do in big city like going to the park and enjoying the fresh air or window shopping or visiting museums or you can spend all day in discovering new things. This is the beauty of living in a big city. 


Essay 4: Life in small towns is always better than life in big cities because, city living is expensive, and small towns allows people to build their own finances. The cost of living is much lower, the cost of rent, groceries, consumer goods and services is much cheaper for the people living in towns. Towns not only provide financial stability but also provide mental happiness, the towns usually do not have pollution and hence one can witness magnificent views of strong old trees, or can view the beautiful starry skies overhead, this natural scenery nourishes not just the soul but also the body. Crime rate in cities is always high and the probability of one becoming a victim to those crimes is large, therefore towns offer a safer environment for people, in towns people trust each other and live a happy and healthy life with their neighbours since the towns are usually small so everyone knows each other and there is a sense of togetherness among these residents which is not quite seen when living in big cities. Towns also offer street plays which are message oriented and inspire people to live the righteous life, the environment in towns is ideal for the upbringing of any person. 


Essay 5: Living in cities is preferred by young people because of the following seasons, big cities provide a great boost to career, the education received from the institutions is extraordinary- huge amount of information and knowledge is given to students from able and qualified lecturers who can be found only in large cities. Young people are inclined towards the cities as they wish to improve the living standards of themselves and their families. Cities offer high paying jobs and provide great infrastructure to reside. Cities are also extremely rich in diversity and culture and one can find people from different religions, cultures and beliefs living harmoniously without any problems. Cities provide people with fashionable clothing, great food and fast paced life. People living in cities are always working to improve the standards and enjoy a happy life during weekends or public holidays by buying fancy and costly items. City life also has an excellent healthcare system which is essential for people who are suffering from serious ailments, they can be treated under the good care of city doctors and staff. As mentioned before cities offer high employment as there are a lot of companies, corporations and businesses. 

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