Has technology become a new addiction? || Writex Pro - Essay Writing


Has technology become a new addiction?

Has technology become a new addiction?

Essay 1: Technology has become an addiction in this modern age. It is evident that people cannot live without technology. Many are glued to their smartphones and personal computers, people consume a lot of entertainment, information and many things from their smartphones for a long a period of time, few people also binge watch shows for days together. This is very unhealthy because it has resulted in many problems such as lack of sleep, anxiety problems and mental issues. People have become so addicted to technology that they do not come out and interact with fellow human beings, the social life is a mess and there is no peace. Technology has to be used in a proper fashion, technology if used properly can do wonders and make our life simple and happy. Controlled usage of gadgets, going out for a walk, spending time with family can certainly curb this addiction. Everyone must also be educated on the negative aspects of technology addiction, this can be done by frequent messages from the platforms about the amount of time consumed and it is time to take a break.Everyone must take frequent breaks and make sure to work on their mental and physical well-being.


Essay 2: Technology is being misused and this has created a lot of problems, it has become an addiction among the youth and nowadays even the elderly are addicted to technology. Technology is important and its usage is mandatory in the modern age but excess dependence on technology is not good and this is slowly turning into addiction. The current generation keeps staring their gadget screens quite oblivious to their surroundings resulting in poor eyesight, loss of cognitive and reasoning skills, health issues etc. to access technology all you have to do sit and work, this has resulted in many health problems, many sit for hours before the computer screen and eat a lot of junk food which has resulted in obesity and other ailments in the youth. Mental and physical wellbeing is important for a good and prosperous life, therefore this technology addiction must be curbed, and this can be done by participating in recreational events and spending quality time with family, sports also helps a lot, people must stop being the slaves of technology and instead use technology in such a way that it ensures development of the world but not at the cost of personal wellbeing. 

Essay 3: Technology has taken over the world, smartphones, computers and many such gadgets have taken control over the lives of many people especially the youth. The youth are addicted to technology and incredibly dependent on technology. A classic example of youth being dependent is online games, there have been serious concerns and complaints from parents about the time being invested by the youth in playing such games. The games are very intense and contain a lot of mature and violent content which is not at all good for people of young age, but since technology like smartphones are easily available to everyone, such games are easily accessible to the youth and they end up playing these online games for hours. This is a classic case of technology addiction. This has resulted in youth losing lack of interest in studies and playing outdoor sports. Many are always seen with the smartphones and their headsets on and completely ignore the outside world. This has to be curbed, proper guidance must be given to the youth on the ill effects of long period gaming and smartphone usage, the platforms providing the content must also take the responsibility to educate people and put restrictions on the amount of time being played. 



Essay 4: Technology addiction is a serious addiction and has to be cured or treated as soon as possible. People nowadays prefer to use their mobile phones to communicate rather than communicating face to face. This affects their mental health and also their relationship with friends and family. People spend lots of money on buying new technology as they have advanced and better features. There have been a lot of cases recently of cardiovascular diseases increasing among youn adults, one of the main reason is addiction to technology, this is because young adults have majority of their work on smartphones and computers and this completely limits the time to have exercise or take care of their respective bodies. Another cause of concern from the technology addiction is the closeness of human beings with the smartphones, it has been proven that smartphones radiate harmful radiations that cause many neurological disorders and also lead to dangerous cancers. Therefore the need of the hour is to understand the consequences and use the technology in a limited and fair manner and also focus on connecting with the nature or connecting with one’s family and spending quality time with them and also focus on physical wellbeing.


Essay 5: The technology was invented by human beings so that they can save time and money and also save energy for all the efforts they make but as time passed, it becomes an addiction for human beings, especially teenagers. Even small children can operate the phone and watch cartoons by themselves. Yes, it is rightly said that without technology, the world wouldn’t be developed but technology has a darker side too. One of the most popular technological devices that is used by every person in the world is the mobile phones. People are so addicted to it that they won’t be able to spend even a single day without their mobile phones. With the introduction of applications like WhatsApp, Facebook, and other social networking and messaging apps, people started using mobiles quite frequently. People need to understand that addiction to technology is not good for their health and they should work on themselves or seek professional help. Overuse of mobile phones leads to many problems like damage to the eardrum, headache and many more, therefore it is very important to protect yourself and your loved ones from this addiction. Life in this modern world can be fast paced but also it is necessary to live a healthy life and use technology only for general purposes.

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